Mundo Obama: Inside the Glamorous White House Photo Op

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I especially like it when the lady photographer says, “I thought we were walking?” As Steve says, tongue in cheek, “I know, that’s odd.” and the herd pool stormtroops the oval office for their 30 seconds of opportunity.  How well I remember those days. Good times!
Note the lingering on the phone in the Oval, methinks someone was trying to look up the speed dial! The final image with the carpet’s happy beams of light hitting  a smiling Obama & Biden while the Treas. Secretary looks sour tells the whole story for me.

7 thoughts on “Mundo Obama: Inside the Glamorous White House Photo Op

  1. Hey Susana, Wow, in a strange perverse kind of way, that just made my day!! (Sorry guys)

    Great Blog, great work you’re doing, one of these days we will have to catch up..all the best!

    Karen Ballard


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