Shipping Now: A Sense of Place : the ‘zine – with bonus prize

It seems like an inauspicious time to debut this new magazine/catalog from my series on Southern writers, A Sense of Place.  I’m hoping a little print incentive will sweeten the pot.  I’ve decided to print one of the most popular images from the series, a 6″ square of William Faulkner’s telephone, the one he answered when he was pulled off the fields to hear the news that he won the Nobel Prize in literature.  You can see on the back of the wall the scribbles where Faulkner used the wall as his personal address book.  Now, this image is still pending licensing by the FDA, to date, but I see this photo as a perfect visual mantra for each of us – a symbol of success as yet unseen.

So what I’m a gonna do, just for you my friends, is offer up the first 30 of these zines, with a limited edition (to 30, natch) 6″ print of faulkner’s telephone for the low,low, introductory price of $20, incl shipping and handling. You can buy ’em here. A veritable steal, considering all the good luck (fda approval pending) and inspiration it will bring you.  Also this will help fund my upcoming trip down South to create more work.  And you will make me feel important.

7 thoughts on “Shipping Now: A Sense of Place : the ‘zine – with bonus prize

  1. alison, yes you made the cut! and brea – thanks so much, i’m a big fan of your alaska project – beautiful work and has someone who has spent a winter in outer Mongolia, I’m impressed by your cold-weather stamina.


  2. Susana, I still am not sure where I’ve run into you before. But you did make the final 50 in CM2007, so I know I’ve seen your work before today in NOLA. Anyway, it’s nice to find your buoyant presence on-line, and I’ll stay tuned.


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